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HSC SmartTrack

HSC SmartTrack is a practical alternative approach to Years 11 and 12, allowing students to complete the Higher School Certificate (Non-ATAR) in an independent adult-learning environment. Students undertake a layered curriculum approach for their core subjects of Maths, English and Work Studies, through enquiry-based learning, leaving space for chosen vocational courses and on-the-job training.

Afternoon delivery of courses allows students an opportunity to gain work experience and employment during Years 11 and 12, and puts them on a SmartTrack to new learning and employment opportunities beyond school. Through industry connections, practical training, and academic growth, students gain the skills and qualifications required to adapt to ever changing work environments, and prepare them for a great future.

SmartTrack has a different ethos and approach to mainstream school, with an increased focus on practical learning, enterprise skills and work readiness. Employers want more than qualifications they want employees with social intelligence, adaptive thinking, transdisciplinary and cross-cultural competence, and SmartTrack aims to provide students opportunity to develop these skills before finishing their HSC.

For more information please contact Senior School Administration office -