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Vision and Values

Our Purpose

At St Philip’s, we’re motivated to deliver exceptional, whole education.

We’re here to model God’s love in such a way that the unique purpose and whole potential of every person is realised in their life, and faith lives authentically in the hearts of the next generations.

We passionately believe in the need for independent, accessible education that develops the whole child – emotionally, intellectually, socially, physically and spiritually; environments that maintain exceptional educational standards, embedded with the truth of the Christian Gospel.

We believe in delivering best-practice, leading education that embraces people as individuals and equips them to serve the communities and world in which they live.

Person by person, generation by generation – by the grace that God supplies – we positively impact the world through life changing education.

Our Vision

To lead the progress and accessibility of exceptional Christian education in Australia. We want to be known for designing and growing pioneering learning environments that students love – authentic, life-changing communities filled with the Holy Spirit.

We create exceptional Christian communities of learning that are not only uniquely relevant to students but also where inspired and dedicated teachers feel empowered in their calling to become learning designers and faith-full role models. We are committed to a holistic vision of education that leads us to love proactively and advance the God-given purpose and potential of individuals through exceptional ways of teaching and learning.

Vision Statement

St Philip’s Christian College seeks to be a leading provider of quality Christian schooling within our nation, where:

  1. Every student develops a personal faith in Jesus Christ and is empowered to live with purpose, integrity and joy.
  2. Every student achieves their God-given potential and is well equipped to make a significant contribution to society.
  3. Every student benefits from innovative and effective learning experiences taught by skilled and dedicated teachers.
  4. Every student enjoys a safe and secure learning environment wherein they feel connected and affirmed.
  5. Every student contributes to a culture of respect, dignity, care and concern for others.
  6. Every student has access to excellent learning resources and is taught in the best learning facilities we can provide.

Our Mission

We will continue to progress and deliver exceptional education in caring, secure and challenging learning environments based on Christian beliefs, values and practice.

Our Core Values


Christ first

We want to honour Christ in all things


Serve one another

We want to appreciate the unique God given potential of each person


Strive for excellence

We want to aim to do our very best all the time


Do what is right

We always want to behave in a Christian manner


Build community

We want everyone to feel they belong