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Meet our Head of Campus

Hi my name is Salina Mayall and I am the Head of Campus at Dynamic Learning College Gosford.

I have taught in both mainstream and special needs settings. Although, my passion and expertise lie in teaching students with diverse learning needs. I have a Masters in Special Education with a keen interest in teaching students with emotional disturbances and behaviour problems.

I am devoted to establishing an educational environment that empowers all students to thrive, regardless of their social, emotional or intellectual difficulties. I truly believe that every child has the right to an education that is based on best practice and it is a blessing to be able to provide that here at Gosford Dynamic Learning. 

My goal for our school is to ensure that every student who comes here knows they are loved, supported and cared for. My prayer is that each student will see that they are made perfectly in the image of God and to celebrate their strengths and see their flaws as a learning opportunity. My hope is that your child comes to Dynamic Learning College and finds their tribe of like-minded individuals who are proud of their uniqueness. 

Thank you for the privilege of being your Head of Campus at Gosford. It is truly a blessing and honour to work with your children and be a part of their educational, spiritual, social and emotional journey.

Salina Mayall