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Reconciliation Action Plan

At Dynamic Learning College, we recognise the importance of fostering a community built on respect, understanding and inclusivity. We are committing ourselves to supporting a journey of reconciliation across each of our campuses.

We are pleased to launch the first of our Reconciliation Action Plans. We are thankful to our staff, parents and community members who contributed their time and knowledge to bring this plan together. 

In this plan, we outline specific actions and initiatives that we will undertake across our four campuses. These actions encompass various aspects of our educational approach, community engagement and celebration of culture. We are commit to listening to and learning from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to foster meaningful relationships to ensure culture can be authentically embedded.

Central to our mission is the acknowledgement of the inherent value and diversity of all individuals as part of God’s creation. Our commitment stems from our desire to create an equitable Australia where all members of society can thrive and for us to lead and learn with Christ’s love towards a reconciled Australia.

Click below to ready our Reconciliation Action Plan.

A Prayer for Reconciliation

"In lands of old, custodians true, 
Histories blend, both old and new. 
To mend and reconcile, we strive, 
Walking new paths, hearts alive.

Past wounds we cannot deny, 
Turning to Jesus, on Him we rely. 
Reconciliation; a path we crave, 
All can thrive, hearts now brave.

Let God’s light shine, and hope arise, 
Futures bright, collectively wise. 
United we stand, under God’s hand, 
Flourishing together, hand in hand."

Wendy Moran

Acknowledgment of Country

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Lands where our Colleges are located, Awabakal, Darkinjung, Worimi and Wonnarua. We pay our respects to Elders past and present. We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ connection to Country and their role in caring for and maintaining Country. May we learn from their strength and wisdom.