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Student Learning

Years 9 and 10 (ROSA)

Core Subjects

  • Christian Studies
  • English
  • Mathematics
    • Core, Standard and Advanced (Year 9)
    • 5.1 – 5.2 Mathematics (Year 10)
    • 5.1 – 5.3 Mathematics (Year 10)
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • PD/H/PE

Electives - Please note, these may change from year to year.

  • Drama
  • Music
  • Photography & Digital Media
  • Visual Arts
  • Commerce
  • Elective History
  • French
  • Physical Activity & Sport Studies
  • Food Technology
  • Industrial Technology
  • Creative Edge
  • iSTEM
  • Design & Technology
  • Marine Studies

Year 9 IgnitED Academy 

In IgnitED Academy our vision is to empower our students to become lifelong learners who are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and independence needed to thrive in the world beyond school. We believe that education should be transdisciplinary, and that the best learning happens when students are engaged in real-world projects that challenge them to think critically, creatively, and independently.

IgnitED Academy is a project-based approach to learning that combines the core subjects of English, History, Geography, Science and PDH together into a project format. Students undertake inquiries led by driving questions and are encouraged to seek out knowledge that they are curious to know.

In Year 9, students undertake the following core projects:

Project Restoration – A thematic study of the term ‘restore’ through the lens of WWI and WWII, contemporary texts, and God’s Biblical narrative.

Project Believe - An exploration of global belief systems, views, and cultures to consider how we come to be who we are.

Project Survivor – A conceptual study of what it takes for humans to survive, considering historical events, health and wellbeing, and stories of survival.

Project Network – An exploration of complex systems and structures such as body systems, the environment, relationships, and technology.

Project Dream Bigger – A student-led personal interest project.

Year 11 Preliminary HSC


  • 1 Unit Studies of Religion I
  • 2 Unit Studies of Religion II
  • Christian Studies


  • 2 Unit Advanced English
  • 1 Unit Extension English
  • 2 Unit Standard English
  • 2 Unit English Studies


  • 2 Unit General Mathematics
  • 2 Unit Mathematics
  • 1 Unit Extension I Mathematics


  • 2 Unit Chemistry
  • 2 Unit Physics
  • 2 Unit Biology

Human Society & Its Environment

  • 2 Unit Business Studies
  • 2 Unit Legal Studies
  • 2 Unit Modern History
  • 2 Unit Ancient History

Technological & Applied Studies

  • 2 Unit Design and Technology
  • 2 Unit Engineering Studies
  • 2 Unit Software Engineering

Personal Development, Health, & Physical Education

  • 2 Unit PD/H/PE
  • 2 Unit Community and Family Studies

2 Unit Visual Arts

2 Unit Music 1

2 Unit Drama

Vocational Education & Training

  • 2 Unit Hospitality – Certificate II in Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
  • 2 Unit Entertainment – Certificate III in Live Production & Technical Services
  • 2 Unit Construction – Certificate II in Construction Pathways
  • 2 Unit Screen and Media – Certificate III in Screen and Media
  • 2 Unit Business Services – Certificate III in Business
  • 2 Unit VET Visual Art – Certificate III in Visual Arts
  • 2 Unit VET - Fitness – Certificate III in Fitness

TAFE Options - Visit the TAFE website
School Based Traineeship Options - Visit the DET website

Year 12 HSC


  • 1 Unit Studies of Religion I
  • 2 Unit Studies of Religion II
  • Christian Studies


  • 2 Unit Standard English
  • 2 Unit English Studies
  • 2 Unit Advanced English
  • 1 Unit Extension English
  • 2 Unit Extension English


  • 2 Unit General Mathematics
  • 2 Unit Mathematics
  • 1 Unit Extension Mathematics
  • 2 Unit Extension Mathematics


  • 2 Unit Chemistry
  • 2 Unit Physics
  • 2 Unit Biology

Human Society & Its Environment

  • 2 Unit Business Studies
  • 2 Unit Legal Studies
  • 2 Unit Modern History
  • 2 Unit Ancient History
  • 2 Unit Geography (Cross Campus)
  • 2 Unit Society and Culture

Technological & Applied Studies

  • 2 Unit Design and Technology
  • 2 Unit Engineering Studies
  • 2 Unit Software Engineering

Personal Development, Health, & Physical Education

  • 2 Unit PD/H/PE
  • 2 Unit Community and Family Studies

2 Unit Visual Arts

2 Unit Music 1

2 Unit Drama

Vocational Education & Training

  • 2 Unit Hospitality – Certificate II in Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
  • 2 Unit Entertainment – Certificate III in Live Production & Technical Services
  • 2 Unit Construction – Certificate II in Construction Pathways
  • 2 Unit Screen and Media – Certificate III in Screen and Media
  • 2 Unit Business Services – Certificate III in Business
  • 2 Unit VET Visual Art – Certificate III in Visual Arts
  • 2 Unit VET Sport Coaching - Certificate III in Sport Coaching

TAFE Options - Visit the TAFE website

School Based Traineeship Options - Visit the DET website

Alternate HSC Pathways

At St Philip's Christian College Newcastle we understand that every student learns differently — that is why we have created an innovative range of unique Year 11 and 12 pathways. As students enter Year 11 and 12, they are thinking about where they're heading after school. For some it will be off to work or further training; for others it will be university. St Philip's Christian College Newcastle's pathways set students up for success now and in the future — providing a culture of customisable enjoyable learning and career opportunities in which catapult students in the right direction.

HSC SmartTrack

HSC SmartTrack is a practical alternative approach to Years 11 and 12, allowing students to complete the Higher School Certificate (Non-ATAR) in an independent adult-learning environment. Students undertake a layered curriculum approach for their core subjects of Maths, English and work studies, through enquiry-based learning, leaving space for chosen vocational courses and on-the-job training. Students build their pattern of study by completing a range of VET Qualifications alongside the Core Subjects.