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FAQs for SPCC Parents

Where can I find the Term Dates?

Term dates can be found HERE and can be found on the weekly mySCPCC Parent Update email.

Where can I find Uniform information?

You can purchase uniforms online and view the College Uniform Policy by selecting the “Uniform Shop” menu at the top of the SPCC website, or clicking on the following link: UNIFORM SHOP

Students wear the Summer Uniform in Terms 1 and 4, along with compulsory hats. Winter Uniform is worn during Terms 2 and 3, hats are optional. Students are to wear Sports Uniform on their designated Sport day.

How can students order lunch and recess from the Barracks Kiosk?

The Barracks Kiosk is available for all students. Students may visit the Kiosk during Lunch and Recess breaks, (Kindergarten students must go with their buddy or older student during Term 1, then may go alone if confident) or you can pre-order online. Find all of the information by going to the “Our Community” menu on the SPCC website, and selecting “The Barracks Kiosk”, or by clicking on the following link: BARRACKS KIOSK

Please note, the Barracks Cafe is only available to students in Senior School (Years 11 - 12).

What do I do if my child is absent from school?

If your child is absent from school, please send an email to in advance. If your child is absent and you haven't notified the College in advance, you will be sent an automated text with your child's absence. Please reply to the text, stating the reason, and this will be your written notification of the absence to the College.


What is mySPCC?

mySPCC is our online Parent Portal. You can access mySPCC if you have a currently enrolled student at the College. Within mySPCC, you can access your personal details, your child's learning (Years 5 - 12) in mySPCCiLearn, fee account, Subschool Handbook information, individual student Year Group pages, register for Parent Teacher discussions, find the latest news and announcements on the mySPCC News page and more! You will need to login to mySPCC regularly as a parent, so please ensure you contact the College if you need any assistance to do so.

How do I Login to mySPCC?

Once your child is a current student attending the College, you will be able to Login to mySPCC.

  1. Type in the following address:, or click on the link: MYSPCC.
  2. Enter your Username - This will be a combination of your Parent Code, the code you are assigned for your Fee Account, followed by "". 
  3. Enter your Password - For new families to the College, your Login details will be emailed to you prior to your child's commencement. For existing families, if you are unsure of your password, please contact the College on 4960 6600. It is recommended that you change your password once you are signed into mySPCC ('Change Password' under Main Menu).
  4. Because you will sign in to mySPCC regularly for news, permissions, your child's learning and more, it is suggested that you save your login details using a Password Keeper App on your device, or by saving the details in your browser.

Excursion Permission

Accepting Annual Local Permission Notes and other Permissions within mySPCC (these are listed under Events and Payments)

As a new family, or every year for current families, you will be invited to accept the annual Local Excursion Permission note to allow your child to attend various offsite local activities, including carnivals and excursions, and events, held within school hours only. (Separate individual permission will be required for out of hours or out of area excursions and activities, or those requiring private transport).

These steps will guide you through how to accept Local Excursions and verify Medical Details using a parent login in mySPCC.

Accepting other Invitations will be the same process, simply click on the name of the Invitation permission you are accepting once you are viewing the Events and Payments window:

  • Login to MYSPCC using your parent details (see above)
  • Navigate in the top mySPCC Menu to myAdmin
  • Student Details and then Events and Payments (see image below)
  • Select the “20XX Local Excursion Permission” (or other Event Permission name) Event that your Child has been “Invited” to, to expand (see expanded example image below)
  • Click on the Document Icon on the right hand side to read the Terms and Conditions
  • Click the check box to Accept the Terms and Conditions after reading the Terms and Conditions
  • For the annual Local Permission note and others as applicable - Click the check box to Verify any Medical Details (Click on the red “+” icon, then View Medical Details to check and Update Medical details if required)
  • Choose Accept from the Drop down box next to Accept / Decline
  • Repeat acceptance for every child's invitation if multiple children
  • Select the blue Save button at the top or bottom right hand corner to Save


The MySPCC App allows you to connect directly to the features of mySPCC (see below), and iLearn, to stay up to date with news, the College Calendar, accept events and payments invitations, receive updates from iLearn group pages and more. You can also receive push notifications for whole school notifications.

Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and search for St Philip's Christian College Newcastle.

Username: - Eg.
Password: Your normal MySPCC Password (see details regarding MySPCC Login information)

For more detailed information about the MySPCC App, CLICK HERE

MySPCC iLearn

What is MySPCCiLearn?

MySPCCiLearn is our online learning management system for students at St Philip’s Christian College, Newcastle. It is used for communication, student feedback, the distribution of learning activities and the delivery of summative tasks (Years 5-12). Your child's results for summative tasks can also be found by checking the "Grades" section, and you will receive a summary Academic Report containing the final grades at the end of the Year. You can access MySPCCiLearn through MYSPCC by clicking on the MYSPCC ILEARN menu.

How can I access my child’s learning in Years 5 – 12?

You can access your child’s learning, viewing any upcoming due learning, or any completed Summative Tasks with feedback and marks in MySPCCiLearn.

Desktop Access:

  • USERNAME: This will be a combination of your Parent Code, the code you are assigned for your Fee Account, followed by "".   Eg.  
    PASSWORD:  For new families to the College, your Login details will be emailed to you prior to your child's commencement. For existing families, if you are unsure of your password, please contact the College on 4960 6600. It is recommended that you change your password once you are signed into mySPCC ('Change Password' under Main Menu).
  • On the right hand side (on Desktop version), you will see a list of your children, along with their timetable, calendar, due tasks and grades.
  • Select due tasks, to see the tasks coming up for your child.
  • Select Grades to see your child's current grade (from any weighted tasks already submitted and marked) for each subject, and to view their submission and feedback from the teacher.

Subschool Student Guides

Where can I access the Subschool Student Guide for my student?

If your students are currently enrolled at SPCC, you can access the Subschool Student Guides in MySPCCiLearn. These will automatically be visible on your MySPCCiLearn Dashboard. You can find more detailed information about day to day life in the College, access relevant forms, staff contacts and more within the Subschool Handbook pages.


Session Times and Start and End Times

School Day

The school day commences at 8:30am, and concludes at 2:55pm each afternoon. Students may arrive at school from 8:15am, from which time a teacher will be on playground duty. If Junior School children arrive prior to this, they must remain seated in the amphitheatre until a teacher arrives.

Bus Transport and Drop off and Pick up Procedures

Where can I drop off and pick up my children at school?


Students (K-12) may be dropped off in the Drop-off Zone in the Junior School carpark on Harriett Street, next to the Theatre between 8am and 8:30am. Staff and Year 12 Student Leaders are there to assist students as they arrive. To help reduce queuing of traffic, parents are asked to remain in the vehicle during drop-off time. A second drop off zone is available in Middle School carpark on Station Street.

Afternoon Pick-Up

There is a supervised afternoon Pick-up Zone which operates from 3:10pm until 3:30pm, in the Junior School carpark (please do not queue at the gate if on arrival it is closed). Any parents (K-12) may use this pick-up zone.

- Upon entry into the carpark, please display your family name on a A4 piece of paper in the windscreen on the passenger side of your vehicle, and staff will arrange for your children to be ready by the time you reach the pick-up bay.

- Staff will assist students with their bags and belongings, and for safety reasons, parents are asked to remain in the vehicle during pick up time.

If using this pick-up option, please only turn left into the carpark from Harriet Street to avoid congestion.

If Junior School students are going to car park pick-up, students will go to the blue river on A-Field and sit down. A duty teacher will then walk with your child to the carpark pick-up zone and will supervise them in this zone until they are picked up.

Parents of students in Years K-3 may choose to collect their child in person from outside their child's classroom. Year 4 students can be picked up at the bottom of the Year 4 steps near A field.

How do I find out about bus transportation for my child?

You can find out about how to apply for a School Opal Card and find relevant public transportation routes to the College, by visiting the Transport NSW Website.

Please note, when applying for your child's Opal Card, ST PHILIP'S CHRISTIAN COLLEGE (WARATAH) must be selected. Please do not select ST PHILIP’S CHRISTIAN COLLEGE DALE (WARATAH). To do this, type in Waratah and all the schools listed in the suburb of Waratah are displayed - you can then select ST PHILIP’S CHRISTIAN COLLEGE (WARATAH)

After School Care

Do you have After School Care available?

There are two After School Care providers available for students at St Philip's Christian College. Saints Academy is our very own after school program which reimagines the hours outside of school.  Please visit Saints Academy for more information.

New Kindergarten Students

If your child is preparing to commence at the College, please refer to our Kindergarten Tour and School Readiness page in the Junior School section of our website, or click HERE

Allergy Aware

There are a number of students in our school community that have food allergies, including allergies to nuts.  The National Allergy Council Best Practice Guidelines (2021) do not recommend banning foods, as this is difficult to enforce and can bring a false sense of safety. We do, however, strongly encourage parents to consider the safety of all students by not sending nuts to school, especially for younger students.  

Student Technology

Students in Years 5 - 12 will receive a College issued MacBook after commencement. Students in Years K-4 will utilise College devices during class time at school.

Dogs on School Grounds

Under the Companion Animals Act 1998 (NSW), Section 14, dogs are prohibited on school grounds in all Australian schools unless the Principal grants permission.

In special circumstances, the Principal may grant permission for an accredited and specially trained assistance/service dog to be on site to assist an individual person with a disability. Assistance dogs have undertaken a Public Access Test (PAT) and meet the NSW standards for public access rights.

In line with national regulations, SPCC parents and community members are asked to keep dogs outside of the school grounds during the school day, including during drop-off and pick-up times.

If you or your child requires the assistance of a trained service dog, please contact the College to make a time to meet with the Principal, so that an individual plan can be established.


Communication - How do I keep up to date with what is happening at the College?

1. Weekly Parent MySPCC Update Email

The College sends out a weekly Parent Update called “mySPCC Update” via email. This will contain News, Notices, Photos, a note from the Principal and more.

If you are a current parent and are NOT receiving this update each Friday during school terms, please contact the College, or use the sign up form here: SUBSCRIBE NOW

2. Direct Emails

Individual Teachers may send emails to classes from time to time, with important class information.

Other important emails may be sent from the following email addresses, so please ensure they are selected as “safe senders” in your email server if applicable: - All School Emails, weekly mySPCC Update Email - Communications from Senior School - Communications from Middle School - Communications from Junior School - All accounts communications - Enrolment information and other general communications

3. MySPCC News Page

You can also access the MySPCC News Page, which is the landing page when you sign in to mySPCC, and on the Homescreen of the MySPCC App. Articles in the weekly MySPCC Update email will link to articles on the MySPCC News page. You can view News, Notices, Events and Photos here.

4. MySPCC iLearn Year Group Pages

For Year Group specific information, please visit your MySPCCiLearn Dashboard and select the Year Group of your child. You can also access the Year Group pages from the Subschool Handbook Guide pages in MySPCCiLearn or from the "My Groups" button on the homescreen of the MySPCC App.