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Learning Support

Learning Needs

There is an emphasis on fundamental strategies and quality teaching for students who are challenged in their learning. Children are each unique and may have differing needs in areas such as processing exhibited learning styles and social and emotional support.

Learning Support

Our Learning Support Team provides support for those students who have an identified disability. This support may include a combination of withdrawal for individual or small group instruction as well as in-class support. Teaching children with special needs may require individual learning plans written with specific goals and outcomes. These Individual Plans may be implemented as a result of careful planning and collaboration between the student’s Core Teacher, the parents and/or Learning Support Teacher and/or Learning Support Aide, the Head of Junior School and other relevant professionals. Regular Learning Support meetings are held to monitor student’s progress and to make adjustments to the plan where necessary.

There is additional support for those students who are identified as performing below stage level, and other areas of need – this includes students with a particular gift or strength in an area of specific focus. Opportunities for small group and individualised instruction are incorporated into the class routine, and may include the additional help of a support teacher, to cater for such learning needs. There is a strong emphasis on the development and extension of Literacy and Numeracy skills.

Specialised teachers provide support and intervention for students with a range of needs.

These areas include:

  • Literacy Intervention Programs (Year K-12)
  • Numeracy Intervention Programs (Year K-10)
  • Social Skills Groups
  • Life skills programs