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Independent Guided Study Project


Design an independent project. Journal your progress and show understanding of disciplinary perspectives and practical application of theories. Complete and present your project inclusive of project selection, proposal development, and final product. 

Do you have a passion project you have always wanted to complete? Independent Guided Study Project will guide you in creating an independent proposal and outlining the steps to complete it. You will launch your project, journal progress and adjustments, and demonstrate responsiveness to changes. Starting with brainstorming interests and understanding proposal elements, you will be expected to manage your materials and time, record reflections and adjustments, research discipline-specific skills and knowledge, and apply these theories to your project. Finally, you will report or present your completed work. As well as igniting your passion, this subject will equip you to better manage future projects in life, study, and work. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Generate an independent guided study project proposal
  2. Outline steps to complete the proposal
  3. Journal steps taken and learning from following the project proposal, including outlining adjustments made
  4. Demonstrate understanding of and engagement with alternate perspectives of the discipline
  5. Apply discipline theories to a vocational context
  6. Report or present the completed project


  1. Project proposal
  2. Journal entries
  3. Passion project

Subject Content

  • Selecting project
  • Proposal elements
  • Discipline-specific skills and knowledge
  • Management skills
  • Reflective skills